Are Herbal Weight Loss Pills The Cure?

Obesity is a common problem among men and women all over the world. Overweight persons have certain other medical complication such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Obesity is determined by the body mass index. If the body mass index of an individual exceeds, then the person is said to obese. Obese persons should consult a physician at the earliest. Moreover, fertility rate in overweight women is less when compared to a normal person. Hence overweight women should consult a physician at the earliest and have his advice to reduce the body weight. Herbal weight loss medications are used now-a-days because they give a cure without much side effects.

To reduce weight, antibiotics are available over the counter. But these antibiotics are produce certain side effects in due course of time, so antibiotics are not preferred for the treatment of obesity, and the better choice of treatment comes in the form of herbal weight loss remedies. These herbal weight loss remedies have more protein and less carbohydrates and fats. Less intake of carbohydrates and fats means less amount of calorie is absorbed in the body of obese person.

Taking food which produces only low calories will reduce the weight of an overweight individual. Yogurt is having less fat, and is best to reduce overweight in an overweight person. Cereal and beans can also be used in reducing weight in an overweight person. Appetite is controlled by taking fruits and vegetables, the fibres in the fruits and vegetables regulates the flow of food in the digestive tract, some of the toxins in the human body can be removed by taking a lot of water.

Few of the herbal medicines controlling the overweight in an overweight person are honey, molasses, syrup of grain which is malted. These herbal weight loss medicines are quiet effective in the treatment in obesity in overweight person. These herbal weight loss medicines are best recommended for reducing overweight in a overweight person. As herbal weight loss medicines does not produce any side effects like certain antibiotics in controlling obesity, these herbal weight loss medicines can be taken to cure any long term diseases.

Herbal weight loss medicines have properties which are therapeutic in nature. Herbal weight loss medicines are much more reliable than the conventional antibiotics used in the treatment of overweight in overweight person. Herbal weight loss medicines should not be taken in large amounts, as it may cause certain side effects. Pregnant women should use herbal weight loss medicine with precaution. About the dosage of herbal weight loss medicine, health care professional has to be consulted. Only a health care professional will know about the exact dosage of herbal weight loss medicine to be taken.

Few of the herbal weight loss medicines are Ephedrine, hydroxtryptophan, pyruvate, aloe, dandelion, guarana. These are quiet effective in the treatment of overweight. Ephedrine as an herbal weight loss medicine effectively suppresses the appetite in a person. As the appetitie in a person is reduced, the person takes only less food, less food means absorption of fewer calories into the body, as fewer calories is absorbed into the body, weight loss is achieved in an effective manner. Herbal weight loss medicine dandelion effectively removes water from the body, thereby reducing the weight of an individual.

For more information on the best herbal weight loss pills simply go to Breakthrough herbal weight loss pills

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Weight Loss Pills Explained

Within the pharmaceutical industry, obesity is now seen as the "trillion dollar disease". That's the estimated amount of profit a successful weight loss drug can expect to make. But are companies getting close to delivering a diet pill that really works - meaning, a pill that is both safe and effective at solving obesity? The answer, it seems, is No.

Pills To Reduce Obesity
It's true that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a tiny number of weight loss pills like Xenical and Meridia for long term use in the treatment of obesity (BMI > 30). But evidence accumulated in clinical trials suggests that the effectiveness of these obesity drugs is less than impressive. Total annual weight reduction tends to be in the range 8-20 pounds. Furthermore, the highest weight loss tends to be achieved by patients who participate in supervised trials involving a combination of drug treatment, diet, exercise and counseling. Which makes it difficult to ascertain the precise effect of the medication itself. By comparison, less well supervised obesity drug trials tend to have a higher drop-out rate and reduced weight loss. And the longer the trial, the lower the compliance and the lower the weight loss. In short, while helpful to some patients, weight loss drugs are not yet the answer to obesity, especially when factors like cost are taken into account.

Should we be surprised? Not really. After all, even bariatric surgery is no guarantee of long term weight loss unless patients comply with the necessary post-operative dietary regimen. Indeed, some obesity experts claim that medical interventions like drugs and surgery are almost by definition doomed to failure, for the simple reason that they take control and responsibility away from patients. According to this view, it is only when patients accept full responsibility for their eating habits and lifestyle, that they have a real chance of achieving a normal weight in the long term.

Unfortunately, this view satisfies no one! It doesn't satisfy the pharmaceutical companies, who need to make money. It doesn't satisfy doctors, who need to give hope to their overweight patients, and it doesn't satisfy consumers who want instant weight loss without having to change their eating habits. In short, there is an overwhelming demand for an obesity pill, but a viable product has yet to emerge.

Pills For Cosmetic Weight Loss

Demand for diet pills is not limited to those suffering from clinical obesity. Millions of consumers with less than 40 pounds to lose take non-prescription pills to burn off body fat or increase their rate of weight loss. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, almost 25 percent of girl students turn to anorectic diet pills when they're trying to lose weight, including laxatives and diuretics.

These non-prescription pills are more difficult to evaluate, as they are not subject to the same high level of regulation as prescription-only drugs. Thus not all ingredients need to be tested, dosages and other labeling requirements are less stringent, and reporting of "adverse events" or health problems is not mandatory. Furthermore, few long term clinical trials are conducted on non-prescription pills, so hard evidence as to their safety and efficacy is scarce. Meantime, the huge profits to be made from these weight loss products means they can be supported by expensive advertising campaigns to increase consumer acceptance, making regulation and control even more of an uphill struggle. Indeed, the FDA has found it almost impossible to ban over-the-counter diet pills, even after reports of illness and injury.

Herbal Diet Pills For "Healthy Eating"

The past five years has seen a huge rise in sales of herbal diet pills, which are marketed as a form of "healthy eating". These herbal supplements typically include a variable combination of vitamins and other active ingredients which supposedly offer a healthier type of weight loss. Such claims are not generally supported by clinical evidence, and some suppliers are under investigation by both the FDA and FTC. Nevertheless, rising demand for these herbal weight loss pills is yet another confirmation of our huge appetite for what is essentially a non-dietary approach to weight control.

How Do Weight Loss Pills Work?

In simple terms, weight loss pills are designed either to alter body chemistry in order to reduce appetite, or to interfere with digestion in order to reduce calorie absorption. Appetite suppressants include amphetamine-like stimulants such as ephedra, or pills to increase serotonin or norepinephrine levels in the brain. Pills that interfere with the digestive system include fat-blockers (lipase inhibitors) like Xenical and chitosan, carb-blockers, and very high fiber bulking agents such as glucomannan.

Are Weight Loss Pills Safe?

Obesity drugs are generally safe when used correctly and under medical supervision. The trouble starts when users do not follow the manufacturer's instructions. Adverse health events for these pharmaceuticals include heart or blood pressure problems and strokes, as well a range of less serious complaints. The same applies to non-prescription diet pills, whose adverse health effects include high blood pressure, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, insomnia, intestinal blockages, anxiety and depression. In extreme cases, both prescription-only and non-prescription pills can cause life-threatening conditions. Even so, safety remains a relative concept. Cigarettes, alcohol, cars and stress kill millions of people every year. By comparison with these things, diet pills cause far fewer "casualties", and if you consult your doctor before taking them, you can reduce the health risk to a minimum.

The Real Problem With Weight Loss Pills

The biggest problem about relying on drugs and supplements to lose weight is not health, it's reliability. In my 20-odd years of dealing with overweight individuals and their families, I have yet to hear of anyone who achieved and maintained any significant weight loss by using pills. But I have met a huge number of people whose weight and emotional state of mind had been significantly worsened through the use of pills. They were afraid of food, they had absolutely no confidence in their ability to make sensible food choices, and tended to rely on purging, laxatives and similar products to control their eating habits. One client - a former annual weight loss winner with one of the major dieting companies - had been fed deliberately with pills in order to achieve the weight reduction that the organization required. When she came to me for help, she had regained 70 pounds of her original weight loss. In short, relying on pills for weight control can mess up your body and your mind.

The Small Print Says It All

Advertisements and infomercials for diet pills are dominated by headlines like: "Effortless Weight Loss" or "Lose Weight While You Sleep!" and so on. But the small print often tells a different story - either that users should follow a calorie-controlled diet, or only eat at certain times of the day, or stop eating certain high-calorie foods, or some combination of all three. There may also be a reference to the need for exercise. In other words, if you want the truth about a weight loss pill, check the small print. Because, as all obesity experts and dietitians will tell you, no long term reduction in weight is possible without controlling energy intake and expenditure.

If You Must Take Pills

Whether you are a diet pill addict, or just an occasional user, here are two ways to make weight loss easier. Look for a healthy, gimmick-free diet, and follow it as carefully as you can. In the process, focus on healthy eating rather than calorie reduction. Aiming to eat healthily is much more positive than calorie control. Secondly, join an online dieting forum and get encouragement and advice from other people. Because all surveys show that losing weight is a lot easier when you have others to lean on. My own forum for instance includes a large number of former diet pill users who are now enjoying their food and losing significant amounts of weight in the process. Which proves that when it comes to weight control, people power is much more effective than popping pills.

Author Info:
Anne Collins, 54, is a qualified nutritionist and full time weight management consultant with over 24 years experience. Her clients range from top celebrities to ordinary people of every age and shape. Her website, attracts 9 million unique visitors per annum, and her weight loss forum is one of the most active support centers on the Internet.About Diet PillsHow To Reduce Food Craving

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Obesity - Causes and Cures

Obesity is Global havoc and its reach is widespread. It is found In every continent and in each Country. Whether it is aged, adults, teens and children, Obesity and weight gain problem is seen among all of them. But most worrying factor is the Childhood obesity and weight gain problem.

Imagine! the country whose Future is their children and the children are obese and Facing weight gain problem. What could be the future of that country? We Now are seeing the More cases of Obesity related problems among children and Other adults. More and more cases of bespectacled Children, Girls attaining puberty at very early age, Children are becoming hyperactive and heart attacks, diabetes, Liver & lung problems, kidney failures etc are seen rampant in all over the world. In USA 61 % of total population is either Obese or facing weight gain problem.

One of the major contributing factor for all these menace is improper dietary habits, Junk and Fat & oil reach food, sedentary life-style and working against the set defined rules of nature. People like to do less physical work and more Machine controlled work, very odd working and Liesure hours etc. Hence, It is caused, due to the Gradual accumulation of Unwanted, excess fat in The body. This Excess fat accumulation leads to obesity and Weight Gain. Also, in few cases this obesity and weight gain related problems are Found to be hereditary.

Now, The important question is can it be cured or controlled and finally be prevented from reoccuring? Yes! This menace is Curable and it is controlled and prevented from reoccuring after proper Medication or other physiological Methods For weight loss followed by various Physical exercise and therapy to prevent the further reoccurence of the menace.

There are many different types of medicine Prescribed to Stop the weight gain and hence Weight loss. All these medicine works on the Theory of suppressing the feeding centre of central Nervous System and hence these medicine works as appetite Decreasing agent. Also various other physiological methods are employed to get rid of obesity problems, Among these Obesity surgery is very imporant to mention. In obesity surgery,the excess fat is removed out of body through surgical operations.

Hence, obesity is a big global havoc but the positive fact is, it is very Much curable with the help of suitable procedure and also it is controlled and prevented to reoccur Further with the help of daily exercise and other physiotherapy.

About the Author
"Chris Read" is an associate editor to the website It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and phentermine. We also provide articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email


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Is Slimming Stopping You From Losing Weight?

Have you tried every possible diet plan, even the "fads" when you've been really desperate, exercised until you have fainted and still not lost weight, worse still put weight on? Then ask yourself this question is it the sort of food you are eating that is stopping you from losing weight or is it when you eat? The answer is probably yes on both counts, not because you are greedy and eating to much but because you are eating the wrong things at the wrong times on the wrong days. Your body is an engine it requires the correct type of fuel at the right time of day to perform the tasks that need doing. You may end up not using the calories you are consuming and they will then be stored for future use as fat tissue.

The bodies metabolism regulates the amount of calories being burned and adjusts if the intake of calories is reduced, that means that you may initially lose weight quickly on a calorie controlled diet but it will not last as your metabolism adjusts to the new levels and you quickly find yourself on a starvation diet. The body is naturally designed to store fat for the leaner times and because you are lucky enough to live in a world where you can eat pretty much what you like when you like it is all to easy to find yourself piling on the pounds even when you think you are eating sensibly.

It has been discovered that the body takes a few days to adjust the metabolism to a change in eating patterns. It may be possible therefore to exploit this delay to force the body to burn fat by rotating not only the overall calorie intake but also the type of calories consumed. This can also help to prevent boredom setting in as often happens when you have been on the same diet for several weeks.

Since the body cannot know what you are going to eat tomorrow or the next day it can only assume that you will be following the same general pattern it is used to. By doing what the body is not expecting and changing the pattern of what you eat and when you eat it every few days the body can be fooled into burning body fat. By eating foods that contain calories that are easily metabolized, such as in raw foods for example, the calories are burned quicker and the body seeks out more calories and they are those stored in the body as fat tissue. Food that is easily metabolized include certain types of fats, and yet fats are one of the first things you are told to cut out when you start a diet.

So if nothing seems to be happening with your diet and your weight loss has ground to a halt start putting your own plan together, don't let your metabolism get the better of you, keep your body on its toes, look out different diet plans and change your food intake every few days, keep you eyes peeled for those foods that metabolize easily and never starve yourself.

by Alison Symons
About the Author
The author has a number of hobby sites and likes to share useful articles with like minded folk.
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Successful Weight Loss After Pregnancy

How fast you lose weight will depend on a number of factors, including the amount of weight you gained during your pregnancy.

Most women will lose anywhere from 10-14 pounds within the first 2 weeks of delivery. This weight may be attributed primarily to the loss of excess fluid in the body, the baby's weight, the placenta and amniotic fluid. Some women might lose a little bit less, and others might lose a little bit more.

As the uterus shrinks back down to its normal size and your hormone levels continue to fall, you will lose weight. Most women gain at least 7 pounds of fat during pregnancy. This fat is meant to help women store energy while breastfeeding. How fast this weight comes off will depend on a number of factors including: genetics, your overall health, diet and exercise.

You should expect that it will take a little bit of time to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy. It did after all take you nine months to put that weight on! Many women have successfully lost weight however, in just a few short months after a delivery.

Some women will hang on to the last few pounds they have to lose until they stop breastfeeding. Your body may want to cling to a few extra pounds to ensure you have enough energy to provide adequate milk for the baby. Every woman's experience is unique with respect to this.

The good news is that with a solid nutritional program and with moderate exercise, you can expect to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy within a reasonable time frame.

Most women will be back to their pre pregnancy weight within nine months of delivering IF they follow a regular exercise program and eat healthily after delivery. That said some women will lose their pregnancy weight in as little as six to twelve weeks!

Article by Beverley Brooke, visit for more on weight loss after pregnancy

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